3G Aviation Media

your premier source for aviation photography, video, editing and instructional workshops.

Re-enactors, Vintage aircraft and history in the making!

Join 3G Photography Workshops for a variety of photo experiences on Saturday and Sunday (18-19 May 2019) at the gathering and fly-off for the D-Day Squadron’s aircraft headed across the Atlantic to memorialize the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Photograph vintage military aircraft along with military re-enactors, learn new photography skills and have a chance to witness history!  We are proud to partner with the D-Day Squadron to bring photographers to this unique event.

workshops at this event:

Workshop Instructors: 


Day 1 - Saturday 18 May

Day 1 will kick off with an early morning sunrise photo shoot.  Sunrise comes early in Connecticut this time of year, so we will hit the flightline at around 5:00 AM to be in place when the sun cracks the horizon at 5:30.  We will spend about two hours total capturing the aircraft during and after sunrise.  Once that is complete it will be time to grab a quick breakfast and then be ready for their departure for a historic Hudson River flyover.  Photographers will be able to capture the crews loading and starting their aircraft along with an opportunity to photograph the massed gathering taxiing for takeoff.  This “Elephant Walk” as it is known is something that you won’t ant to miss!  After the aircraft leave it will be time for a quick lunch and then back to catch the aircraft arriving back at the airfield.  Once the aircraft are parked the crews will head off to their briefing for the next day’s leg of the Atlantic crossing. 

We will take a break as the photographers and then re-convene to capture the aircraft at sunset, this time with several reenactors to help capture the feel of the pre-flight preparations before the D-Day invasion.  There will also be plenty of time to roam the flightline and witness the crews prepping their aircraft for the flyover.


Day 2 - Sunday 19 May

Day 2 will start early, again!  While we won’t be on the airfield before sunrise, the crews will be getting their last-minute updates and prepping their aircraft just shortly after the sun comes up.  Photographers will be able to shoot these last minute preparations and be on-site as the aircraft turn up and taxi out for the first leg of the journey.  Prime locations for departure will have been coordinated and photographers will have a lot to pick and choose from!  This massive launch of C-47 aircraft will be an event you do not want to miss.

After the mass launch, we will head to breakfast and a chance to debrief the weekend’s events.  As always, time will be set aside to assist photographers with editing their photos and ensuring that their images capture the feel and power of so many large warbirds taking to the sky!

What is included

  • Workshop instruction on aviation photography and reenactor portraiture

  • One-on-one instruction tailored to YOUR photographic skill level.

What is not included

  • Transportation to and from the Waterbury-Oxford airport.

  • Meals - there will be breaks throughout the day, but meal time is on your own!

  • Lodging - If you are attending this event, 3G is working on room blocks with several local hotels, but we recommend you make your reservations as soon as possible in case we cannot secure a group rate. 

All content Copyright 2020, 3G Aviation Media (except where attributed otherwise)